
Get To Know More About Mental Disorders


How Was Your Day ? 


This is a informal question and we are usually using this question for daily conversation with our friend and each other. But for me this question have a deep meaning, cause we can knows how someone feels today. Many people were forgot to asking this question for your friends. Maybe, Your friend is feeling bad emotions such as stress, depression, anxiety etc. we didnt even know about that. So this is the right question to makes sure everything is okay to your friends. If she is saying im not okay, im feeling bad now and kind of something like that. We should listen her story and give the solution for her problem.

Stress, depression and anxiety isn’t easy situation to through this. For through this should have the right mindset, the motivation and support system such as from your family also your bestfriends. These 3 things must be considered carefully and couldn’t be ignored. Beside that, stress, depression and anxiety are parts of mental disorders. Its a more dangerous than pshycal problem cause when somone have high levels of stress, depression and anxiety, they will be committed to doing suicide. From Homewood Health United Kingdom research, 47 percent of woman get high risk of mental disorders as well as girls. For girls who gets mental disorders are usually caused by wrong parenting, childhood traumatic, violence and sexual harrasment.

Let me explain to you, what does it means of stress, depression and anxiety ? for prevents and helps girls from all that feelings. First, we are talking about what does it means of stress ?

  •  Stress : the inability to overcome the threats faced by the mental. Physcal, emotional and spiritual of humans which at one time can affect the physical state of human. When you are feelings stressed you may experience many different feelings including irritabilty and low self- esteem, which can lead you to become withdrawn, indecesive or tearful. Some situation can cause stress, the most common involve work, money matters and relationships with partners.We can identifiying the signs of stress as follows, mood swings, difficulty relaxing, feeling constant of worry, eating more or less than usual. When you are feelings stressed, you can doing some this steps, realise when it is causing your problem, identify the causes and review your lifestyle. The lasting you can protect yourself from stressed by eat healthily, exercise and be mindful.
  • Anxiety : The normal reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situation. Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness and involve excessive fear on anxiety.  It can also take affect when you’re faced with non-dangerous events for example like exams, public speaking, a new job, a date or even a party. If you feels anxiety your body and your mind work very quickly. These are some of the things that migh happens such as your heart beats very fast, you feel dizzy, you feel frozen to the spot, you can’t eat. In the long term, you may have some of the above symptoms as well as more nagging sense of fear, and you may get irritable, have trouble sleeping, develop headches. These some things you can do when the anxiety coming out to you, first you should face your fear if you can and the second is know yourself.
  • Depression : Is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, decreased energy, feelings of guilt or low self-worth. Research in developing countries suggest that maternal depression may be a risk factor for poor growth in young children (Rahman et al, 2008). The cause of depression are biological, environmental and psychological factors. These some symptoms of depression include, feelings of hopelessnes, feelings of worthless, loss of interest, decreased energy. Usually adolescene with depression may have symptoms such as anxiety, eating disorders or substance abuse. The treatment of depression is to visit health care such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. Try this things to help you when you feel depression include, trying to be active and exercise, breaking up large tasks into small ones, spending time with other people, avoiding self-medication.

The conclusion is stress, anxiety and depression very dangerous for your mind, your physical and your psychologist. You should more care about them, so starts to give the question to your friend or your girls “How was your day ?” to makes sure everything is fine both phsically and mentally. Listen, give the solution and give support for  people answering with im not okay. Never leave them alone especially for girls, cause girls are very easy to gets high risk all that.






Written By Sheila Nadia 



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