
Definition Of Mental Health




Mental Health is more than the mere lack of mental disorders. Health is state of complete physical , mental and social well being and not merel the absence of disease of infirmly. Concept of mental health include subjective well being perceived self- efficacy autonomy, competence, integenerational dependence and recognition of the ability to realize one’s intellectual and emotional potential. Mental Health problems affect society as a whole and not just a small, isolated segment, beside that mental health problems is about enchancing competences of individuals and community and enabling them to achieve their self determined.

The Magnitude and Burdens of the problem :

  • As many at 450 million people suffer from a mental or behavioral disorder
  • Nearly 1 million people commit suicide every year.

All health issues need to be considered within a cultural and development context as do the social constructs of chilhood and adolescene. The quality of a person’s mental health is influenced by idiosycnratic factors and experiences., Their family relationship and circumstances and the wider community in which they live. The British Medical Association identify that the term “Mental Health Problems” is used to cover a broad spectrum of conditions ranging from diagonsable disorders, such as anxiety and depression. Through to acting out behaviours .

If we are see that facts on reality life, this case of mental health always happens to adolescent. In adolescene there hae been changes of  biological, psychological and social. But generally, the phsycal manuration process occurs more rapidly than the process of psychological. Some types of mental disorders which are prevalent in adolescene. That can arise various negative conditions such as anxiety, depression and even trigger the emergence of psyhotic disorders.

In the dynamic process, the characteristics of adolescent who have normal mentality can be found, as follows :

  •  There is no mental disorders inside hisself
  •   Can accepted the changes experienced such as physical, mental and social changes
  •  Can express feelings and be able to solve problems
  •  Able to control themselves so that they can build a good relationship

Mental Health On adolescent, as follows :

  • How do adolescene feels about themselves ?
  • How do adolescene feels about other people ?
  • How is the ability of teenagers to overcome life's problems ?

 There are some risk of factors for mental health conditions

  • Social And Economic Pressure   
On social and economic pressure have 2 part factors are modifiable factors and non modifiable factors. For modifiable factors are can be change overtime, modifiable factors include, education, house quality, occupation. Nonmodifiable are permanents and nonmodifiable factors include, gender, age, ethnic 
  • Biological Factors                                                    

Family history can increase the likehood of mental health conditions, as certains genes and gene variants puts a person at higher risk.

  •  The Parenting Of Parents In Educating Adolescent 

The wrong parenting of parents in educating children can affect the development of socialization in the environment, so that children will have difficulty in socializing. As a result, the child will become someone who is timid, has no self-confidence, is frustrated and often the child will feel a failure when he makes a mistake.

Propose the mental health and mental ilness can be seen to exist as part of multi-dimensional model. An example of mental health and mental ilness being to seperate and yet related continue can be found in the vulnerability- stress working model developed. Unfortunately, in the most parts of the world, mental health and mental disorders are not accorded anywhere the same importance as phsyical health. Rather, the have been lagerly ignored or neglected . 






Written By Sheila Nadia 



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